In class the other day we visited a web site called Into The Book
It's a reading comprehension resource for students and teachers where they focus on eight research-based strategies.
For each strategy there were different materials you could download. We looked at some songs and posters.
The eight strategies presented are:
1. Prior knowledge: Use what you already know to help understand something new!
2. Making Connections: Make connections between different things you read!
3. Questioning: Ask questions to understand what you're reading!
4. Visualizing: Create a movie in your mind while you're reading!
5. Inferring:Use clues to figure out what it really means!
6. Summarizing: Tell what's important!
7. Evaluating: Make judgments about what you read and explain why!
8. Synthesizing: Put the pieces together to see them in a new way!
I find this really interesting! By using these strategies when reading books the students will get an extremely good understanding of the content. You actually get something out of the reading, it's not just empty words. Think of everything they will remember and understand. All the hidden meanings they will find and all the new discovering's they will make. If they constantly use these strategies they will develop an excellent study technique and that's a good advantage later in life.
This is fascinating!
"Into The Book": http://reading.ecb.org/index.html
Hello Synnøve.
SvarSlettYes, I find this also useful to teach young students L2 (English). With these songs and technics, there is a diversity in learning the language. They will more likely have a greater development and understanding of the language. And it is also good for the teacher to have these eight strategies to have a structure in teaching the students L2.
- Jon