torsdag 11. februar 2010

Getting to know English Didactics

What do I know about English didactics? What have I learned by now?
The main topics so far has been different learning theories made by different people during the last thirty to forty years. These theories tell us about the human ability to learn a foreign language. To be honest my memory has not saved a lot of it, even though some of it did make sense and I managed to understand it. The job that lies ahead of me now, is to get these theories organized and separated. In that way I can draw parallels between the different theories and think for myself what can or cannot work in a realistic teaching situation. In need to really understand it and make it my own.
I need to know the theories of Chomsky, Vygotsky, Krashen, Ausubel and McLaughlin.
What I now know something about is Chomsky's "LAD" theory: Language acquisition device, the "black box" we humans are born with. Our language develops naturally when we are exposed to it and this faculty is known as Universal Grammar. The theory connects the way a child learns its native language to the way a person can learn a second language. It states that we are able to learn a second language simply by being exposed to it. The learner is not active in the process. Vygotski took the theory further. He meant that social interaction is the most important way to learn a language. Role models like parents or teachers are important when a child is developing its language. By asking questions and demonstrating the child learns faster. Children imitate what is said around them, but on the other hand that does not explain the ability they have to form their own words. The irregular verbs are a good example of that ability. They learn certain words and learn how they end. Because of that the irregular verbs get a regular ending even though they most likely have not heard these words from any adult. That means that there must be an ability in all of us which we are born with that helps us form words naturally.
Another theory I have to learn and understand is Krashen's Five Hypotheses. I will come back to you when I have studied it better...

1 kommentar:

  1. Hello Synnøve!
    Working late?? I know someone works their best at night. Maybe one of them are you?
    It was interesting to read your blog. Now I wonder a bit about the link you set between Chomsky and Vygotski. By social interaction I thought that he meant that when you are learning something you need a person who knows more than you to guide you. And then you have a person to correct you if you do any mistakes. I have not studied Vygotsky’s language theory that much, so maybe I have misunderstood. I hope someone could clear this up for us.
    See you on monday!;)
